При ошибке сборки KS файла

Если при сборке ks файла вываливается ошибка:
Код PHP:
  1. MerSDK neochapay@neochapay-homebook:~/mer/android/droid$ sudo mic create fs --arch $PORT_ARCH --tokenmap=ARCH:$PORT_ARCH,RELEASE:$RELEASE,EXTRA_NAME:$EXTRA_NAME --record-pkgs=name,url --outdir=sfe-$DEVICE-$RELEASE$EXTRA_NAME --pack-to=sfe-$DEVICE-$RELEASE$EXTRA_NAME.tar.bz2 $ANDROID_ROOT/tmp/Jolla-@RELEASE@-$DEVICE-@ARCH@.ks
  2. mic 0.14 (Mer 0.2011 Mer)
  3. Info: Substitute macro variable @RELEASE@ with
  4. Info: Substitute macro variable @EXTRA_NAME@ with -neochapay
  5. Info: Substitute macro variable @ARCH@ with armv7hl
  6. Info: Retrieving repo metadata:
  7. Info: Retrieving repomd.xml.key ... DONE
  8. Info: Running pre scripts ...
  9. Info: Refreshing repository: hotfixes- ...
  10. Info: Refreshing repository: apps- ...
  11. Info: Refreshing repository: adaptation0-tiny210- ...
  12. Info: Refreshing repository: jolla- ...
  13. Info: zypp architecture is <armv7hl>
  14. Info: marking pattern jolla-hw-adaptation-tiny210 1-1 to be installed
  15. Warning: repo problem: pattern:jolla-hw-adaptation-tiny210-1-1.noarch requires droid-config-tiny210-policy-settings, but this requirement cannot be provided, uninstallable providers: droid-config-tiny210-policy-settings-1-1.armv7hl[adaptation0-tiny210-]
Необходимо сделать:
  1. MER_SDK $
  3. MOBS_URI="http://repo.merproject.org/obs"
  4. HA_REPO="repo --name=adaptation0-$DEVICE-@RELEASE@"
  5. HA_REPO1="repo --name=common
  6. --baseurl=$MOBS_URI/nemo:/devel:/hw:/common/sailfish_latest_@ARCH@/"
  7. sed -i -e "/^$HA_REPO.*$/a$HA_REPO1" tmp/Jolla-@RELEASE@-$DEVICE-@ARCH@.ks
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